godzilla: the prequel
This really has nothing to do with a film. It has everything to do with people I care about.
See, Dunedin is a student town. There are tens of thousands of people between the ages of 18-25. There's a massive post-student diaspora that leaves an unfortunate minority rattling around our demographically empty city like characters in a gammy Christian novel who are Left Behind.
So, what happens with post-student denizens of Dunedin Christendom? Some of us hang on to the coat-tails of student life like an aging hippy. Others jump around the local wannabe-mega-church like they're happy. Some give up and have babies & try to get old quickly. But many, and these people are dear to my heart, struggle through as one-person statistics in churches full of old people.
Not that it's all bad - those churches can be really supportive communities. But sometimes you just get weighed down with not fitting in.
My answer is not to create a 20-something church.
My Answer (tm), is godzilla.
An occasional get together to build relationships, draw closer to God, and learn from one another.
Each time we get together, someone different takes the lead, and allows the rest of us to enter into their experience of God.
Yes, yes, I know it's the same name as the blog, but I think that muddies the waters nicely. If it ever becomes an issue, perhaps I'll care.
I really don't want it to clash with The Lounge though, & I don't think it should - the whole point of godzilla is that people can be part of multiple communities of faith. The book title says it nicely - "I Have in My Arms Both Ways".
welcome to the blogsphere. enjoy your stay.
10:59 am
Yeah, what he said!
9:42 am
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